Kids Church: Come learn more songs and stories about Jesus and His love for us! Also, please include our Sunday School lessons in your devotions at home.
- Little Lambs - Preschoolers ages 3-SK can laugh, sing, and colour while learning about how high and wide the love of Jesus is for them
- Sunday School - School-aged children gr. 1 through 5 enjoy a dynamic program where they dive into the Bible and, together with friends, build a firm foundation in Jesus Christ
Babylon Kids Camp at Emmanuel offers children the chance to experience God's love through the adventures of Daniel, who was torn from his home and forced into the king's service. Kids born in 2012-2018 can join us as we sing songs, play games, make crafts and learn about Jesus, while hanging out with awesome friends - new and old!! We follow Group's amazing children's curriculum which produces wonderful themed material for a week full of fun!! Kids camp runs from March 13 - 17, 2022. We start at 9 a.m. and go until 11:30 a.m. with a themed snack provided mid-morning. Register Online or call 519 537-6422 for more info.
more infoBeginning in September and running through April, Cadet meetings are held every Tuesday evening from 6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. We meet at Emmanuel Reformed Church, on Clarke Street North, across from Huron Park Secondary School.
Beginning in September and running through April, we meet on Tuesday evenings at 6:30 p.m. You are always welcome at our club and we hope you will join us every Tuesday.
Certain things are imperative to know on our walk with the Lord. Join our Pastor as he outlines the building blocks of our faith in this class which can prepare you for your own Confession of Faith.
Beginning in September and running through April, we meet on Tuesdays at 6:30 p.m.
We team up with Maranatha CRC Youth Group each Wednesday night so there are more kids, more volunteers and more events! From Bible Studies to Tree Trekking and Sledding, there’s always neat stuff on the schedule for high-school aged kids!
Some people have asked me what Coffee Break is, and what we do. We welcome the opportunity to explain. We are not a club. There are no dues, no president, vice-president, secretary, or treasurer. We are a group of "Friends" who simply "Love the Lord", and enjoy each others company. We praise God singing the old familiar songs our parents and grandparents have taught us long ago, and which still mean a lot to us. We follow with a short devotion, read a story, poem, and yes, we even share a joke. God is the centre of our fellowship, and He has blessed us beyond words. Our group has grown from 22 from the first time we met, and has brought out 52 people at our last meeting this spring. Our God sure is an awesome God, and to Him belongs all the Glory. If you have never joined us before, we invite you to do so this fall. You will not be a stranger, but a FRIEND.
Beginning in September and running through April, we meet the first Friday every month at 10:00 a.m.
"Crafting, Caring, Sharing", as a group make varying projects to support organizations around the world. We sew, knit and crochet things like slippers, hats, and dishcloths. We even make simple things like finger puppets for kids and sqaures to sew into afghans. Our CCS group is a fun group of which to be a part. We have a great time together, admire each others latest project, and we seem never to be short of conversation or laughs! Come and join us anytime and see for yourself what we’re all about! We’d love to have you!
Join us the first and third Wednesday of every month at 10:00 a.m!
Small Groups meet for Bible Study and fellowship throughout the month. Please contact the office if you are interested in joining one.
Another little place holder...
The Emmanuel Reformed Church Choir has been singing God's praises since 1955. We gather together to rehearse Monday evenings for four weeks prior to Reformation Day, Christmas, Our Dutch Carol Service and Easter from 7:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. We do have a break for fellowship and refreshments at about 8:30 p.m.
We worship God in song during the Christmas Day and Easter Sunday Worship Services. We help host a Dutch Carol Service in early December. We also participate in a combined choir for a Reformation Day Service held at Knox Presbyterian Church and a Palm Sunday Service held at various churches in Woodstock.
Praise Team - If you are interested in being a part of the Worship Praise Team, please contact the office.